Google Maps Supports EV Drivers with new EV Charging Search

The new Google Maps features are designed to help EV drivers
Andrew Foster, Director at Google Maps, shares how new search features will help EV drivers to find charging stops & hotels with EV infrastructure

There are 8.5 billion Google searches everyday, more than one for every person. With the rise of connected cars, many drivers (and their passengers) use Google Maps to search for where they can find a nearby electric vehicle charger. 

To help EV owners access information about charging stations, Google has published new features for Google Maps and Search, which will allow users to quickly find specific information about the location of EV chargers, which can help them to plan when to take their charging stops for long road trips.


Google's enhanced Search and Maps for seamless EV charging

The updates to Google Search and Google Maps have been designed to assist users who need travel information about where they can charge their vehicle. 

“Navigating to charging stations and finding exactly where the chargers are located — like the right area of a multilevel parking lot — can be tricky,” said Andrew Foster, Director at Google Maps. 

In the coming months, Google will start showing AI-powered summaries in Google Maps that describe a charger’s specific location based on helpful information from user reviews, so drivers can find exactly where they need to go. 

“For example, when you’re headed to a charging station you may see a detailed description, like ‘Enter the underground parking lot and follow the signs toward the exit. Just before exiting, turn right’,” he says. 

Google is also thinking about other ways that they can give drivers helpful EV charging information, at a glance. 

“If you’re low on charge while on the road or you need to top off while running errands, soon you’ll be able to see nearby chargers on the in-car map, with information like real-time port availability and charging speed,” he adds. “This update will roll out globally, starting with vehicles with Google built-in the coming months.”

For those planning an overnight trip, Google’s new EV filter helps users find hotels which offer onsite EV charging.

Check out our Top 10: EV Charging Companies.

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AI in the sky and Sustainable Aviation Fuel combats contrails

Aeroplane contrails account for 35% of the aviation sector's global warming impact, which is half of the impact of the world’s jet fuel.

Contrail cloud’s form when aeroplanes fly through humid areas. These extra clouds trap heat that would otherwise leave the Earth’s atmosphere, which creates a net warming effect. 

Google Research is working with American Airlines and Breakthrough Energy to use satellite imagery, weather and flight path data alongside AI, to develop contrail forecast maps, which will allow pilots to choose routes that will avoid creating contrails.

Meanwhile, over at Air New Zealand, developments are also being made in the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel


Make sure you check out the latest edition of EV Magazine and also sign up to our global conference series - Sustainability LIVE 2024.


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