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L'Occitane Company Facts
HQ Location
Manosque, France
Employee Count
Laurent Marteau
Company Profile

Established in 1976, L'Occitane en Provence is a renowned international retailer of body, face, and home products. Drawing inspiration from the Mediterranean art-de-vivre and traditional Provencal techniques, the brand offers a sensorial experience through high-quality, traceable ingredients. Over the years, L'Occitane has become synonymous with authenticity, naturalness, and respect for people and the planet.

The company takes pride in its sustainable practices, focusing on ethical sourcing and eco-friendly packaging. L’Occitane develops and produces most of its products in Manosque, France, ensuring a blend of traditional artisanal methods with cutting-edge technology. This dedication to craftsmanship and sustainability sets L'Occitane apart in the competitive beauty industry.

L’Occitane’s commitment to environmental responsibility extends beyond its products, with initiatives aimed at reducing carbon footprint and promoting biodiversity. The brand's global presence and dedication to quality have cemented its reputation as a leader in natural beauty, offering consumers luxurious products that are as effective as they are ethical.

Keywords and Services
natural beauty products
sustainable sourcing
eco-friendly packaging
beauty retail
luxury cosmetics